Well it depends. We believe that starchy carbohydrates (empty calorie and starchy) are activity/body composition dependent. So if you are a lean athlete who requires a lot of energy (swimming, running, etc), then there is a spot for a high carbohydrate load in your diet, especially prior to competition. However, if you are overweight and sedentary, we typically recommend a low carbohydrate diet. We explain why in our diet section as well as our metabolic syndrome article with the relationship between metabolic syndrome and activity/diet.
What we really try to emphasize are foods rather than macronutrients. This is for practical purposes regarding teaching our patients since we all eat foods (e.g. spinach, apples, chicken, etc) and not macronutrients (e.g carbs, protein, fat). If you do better by counting grams and calories we will have listed a rough estimate percentage for each macronutrient based on body composition / activity (insulin sensitivity, etc).
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