These 7 habits are based on physiology, evidence, and simple logic in order to improve body composition (fat loss) and prevent disease (e.g. diabetes). Using these guidelines will give you the foundation to make a perfect eating plan made just for you. It is not a one-size fits all diet, but there are a few principles that we believe are necessary for an optimal diet (eg. vegetables and lean protein). We will also include a link to the evidence/reasoning behind each habit so you will be able to understand the methodology.
1. Always have a source of lean protein in each meal (snacks included) –Eat 1 gram of protein per pound of body weight. e.g. 200 lb person would eat 200 grams of protein. A serving of protein is about 25 grams so this would be about 8 servings of protein. In terms of actual food, a serving of protein is one of these: 1 palm size piece of lean meat, 1 fist of dairy, 1 serving of protein shake. see list of approved lean protein sources.
Lean Habits – Protein from Karl Nadolsky on Vimeo.
2. Eat more vegetables! This is usually in every diet book’s guidelines. Shoot for about 5 servings per day and build up to 10-15 per day. – see list of approved vegetables.
Lean Habits – Eat More Vegetables from Karl Nadolsky on Vimeo.
3. Always have some healthy fats during the day. – see list of approved healthy fat sources.
Lean Habits – Healthy Fats from Karl Nadolsky on Vimeo.
4. Always eat your non-vegetable/fruit carbohydrate sources (aka starchy/sugary foods) according to goals, body composition, timing and activity. – Vegetables and fruit are fine to eat at anytime.
Lean Habits – Carb Type from Karl Nadolsky on Vimeo.
5. All beverages should be calorie – free. (Habit 6 is an exception). Small amounts of milk as well as an occasional glass of wine are generally fine as well. Read about the Evidence and Reason behind this Lean Habit.
Lean Habits – Calorie-free Beverages from Karl Nadolsky on Vimeo.
6. If unable to have vegetables and lean protein (Habits 1 and 2) – a Leaner Living MRP / Lean Latte (or other similar meal replacement) will suffice. (Read Meal Replacement Guidelines)
Lean Habits – Meal Replacements from Karl Nadolsky on Vimeo.
7. Eat Slowly. While we focus on what to eat, HOW to eat is just as important. Those that eat slowly eat less due to hunger signals to the brain. Shoot for about 15 chews per bite of food.
Lean Habits – Eat Slowly from Karl Nadolsky on Vimeo.