We get this a lot when trying to help our patients and clients. The truth of it is that resistance training will increase health and you won’t get big muscles if you don’t want them. Big muscles are very dependent on your diet and calorie consumption. Girls don’t worry, it will be hard for you […]
Are you advocates of low carbohydrate diets?
Well it depends. We believe that starchy carbohydrates (empty calorie and starchy) are activity/body composition dependent. So if you are a lean athlete who requires a lot of energy (swimming, running, etc), then there is a spot for a high carbohydrate load in your diet, especially prior to competition. However, if you are overweight and […]
What about Atkins and South Beach?
We don’t necessarily condone any of the fad or gimmick diets out there, but there are some high-quality, in addition to undesirable, issues within those diets. We provide a scientifically evidence-based approach to educating you about the dietary principles which are the underlying “good” components of those “diets.”
Is this a bodybuilding site?
NO! Although our dietary supplements could help you build a muscular physique, our main focus is providing information and products for health and well-being. This site was originally intended for our patients but we found it was useful for anyone wanting to be lean and healthy.
Ive heard that doctors dont know much about nutrition and exercise, what makes you different?
We have had over 20 years of experience in athletics, as well as extensive schooling and research in nutrition and exercise. We practice what we preach and we prove it by putting our credentials on the line. When we recommend to eat or exercise a certain way, you will be sure to know that we […]