Getting Started
By Rachel Nadolsky, RN
It is great that you’ve made the commitment to eat healthy and exercise in line with the Leaner Living recommendations, but now how do you follow through? Changing your daily routine and lifestyle can be very difficult and stressful, so I’d like to applaud you for stepping up and taking the challenge. I will be here with you every step of the way and help you along your journey and we will begin by trying to break down the barrier of initiating a consistent exercise routine.
When I first started out, exercise was such a burden. Two minutes on the treadmill running 5mph seemed like an eternity. I was out of breath and discouraged. I slowed my pace to 2.5mph and walked. My main problem was that time dragged on when I wasn’t enjoying what I was doing. I hated running. In fact, I still hate running! In this blog, I’d like to share with you some ideas on how I distract myself into working out for longer periods of time and at higher intensities when I only feel like doing “¼ mile” and quitting.
First, find some good exercise music. I personally listen to the album “Feed the Animals” by Girl Talk. It’s a remix of a ton of different songs from many music genres and has a good running tempo to it. As another distraction, I also watch TV while on the treadmill. My favorite distraction in the gym is my Gymboss interval timer ( or get the free app for your iphone/ipod). I will sprint for 40 seconds and rest/walk for 40 seconds on the treadmill or use it for keeping my rest periods short between sets while weight lifting. My workout seems shorter when I keep myself busy changing my pace rather than maintaining a certain speed. (Later on I’ll go into depth on why I have begun to love HIIT- high intensity interval training.) Also, running outside is a fun and refreshing, so don’t forget to do that, too! Lastly, find a workout buddy who will keep you accountable and help make it enjoyable. Have fun, work hard, and live lean!
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